Hi All,

Well, I have managed to get LyX installed more or less onto W2K, with some
help from Claus. It is working, it is not crashing when I hit a key, and 
so on.
But ... there is still one glitch ... I have files that I created on LyX 
on Linux,
and tried to edit them on W2K ... but it didn't work out. I was told 
that the
document class didn't exist ... and when I tried to alter line-spacing I 
ended up
being told that some style file (linespace.sty (or something like that)) 
did not
exist. OK. I installed all MikTeX levels up to level 4, and I tried to 
LyX, using the batch file for this puporse. But still no joy! How do I 
get LyX
on W2K to recognise new style files, and document classes? It there some
instruction somewhere? Some advice?


PS I will write a little summary of my experiences and post them in the next
day or two, so others will be spared my trouble. (I do think though that the
horrible problems that occur because of W2K accepting spaces in file and
directory names ... I mean because MikTeX in the English version installs
into 'Program Files' by default for example ... this should be mentioned in
the documentation.) 

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