Dear all,
I am meeting some strange problems: When I try to import a XETEX latex file to 
Lyx, Lyx replaces my original tex file with a copy that it seems to reconvert 
following a rather strange chain of conversion. Checking my configuration for 
the converters, I saw that there is none for Xetex latex to Lyx and Lyx uses 
the converters I have created using Pandoc for Xelatex to Markdown. 
But, seeing this I have now included a new converter XETEX Latex to Lyx through 
tex2lyx and with the command:

/Applications/ -f $$i $$o

but Lyx continues to use the MD chain and overwrite my original latex file. Is 
this the correct way to handle this conversion?

I have not found any way to recover the destroyed file; there is not a backup 
copy either.

Fortunately, this is a small file that I can rewrite, but it is very worrying 
that this process is destructive. I will need to activate version control to 
limit such damaging operations. :-(

How is this possible? why Lyx does not make any backup copy before starting the 
conversion in case something goes wrong, like in my case.

Best regards,


Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

University of Bordeaux
Bordeaux School of Economics (UMR CNRS-INRAE 6060)
Avenue Léon Duguit
33608 Pessac cedex

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