On 2/18/25 4:46 PM, Denniston, Todd A CIV USN NSWC CD CRANE IN (USA) via lyx-users wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <lasgout...@lyx.org>
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2025 11:35 AM
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Subject: Re: apostrophe, quote, double quote, back tick with copy paste

Le 14/02/2025 à 16:46, Denniston, Todd A CIV USN NSWC CD CRANE IN (USA)
via lyx-users a écrit :
I am trying to add some script bits to the text of my lyx document
and I (believe) am having some trouble with lyx doing some auto-magic
converting of single quotes "'" & back ticks "`".  I desire that I
_should_ be able to copy and paste from both the lyx doc (while I am
editing it) and the PDF output into my terminals. {program versions at
the bottom of the email}
I put *most* of these scriptlets in LyX-Code environments, and was
expecting LyX-Code to be enough to prevent auto-magic, but no.

Hello Todd,

LyX-Code is the worst in terms of auto-magic.

You could try either Verbatim or the Listings inset (which may be able
to do syntax coloring for you BTW).


Thanks for that feedback.  I guess Listings is not an article environment.

Insert> Program Listing


lyx-users mailing list
  • apostrophe,... Denniston, Todd A CIV USN NSWC CD CRANE IN (USA) via lyx-users
    • Re: ap... Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
      • Re... Richard Kimberly Heck

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