I am trying to add some script bits to the text of my lyx document and I 
(believe) am having some trouble with lyx doing some auto-magic converting of 
single quotes "'" & back ticks "`".  I desire that I _should_ be able to copy 
and paste from both the lyx doc (while I am editing it) and the PDF output into 
my terminals. {program versions at the bottom of the email}

I put *most* of these scriptlets in LyX-Code environments, and was expecting 
LyX-Code to be enough to prevent auto-magic, but no.

The issues I am having is I want the following chars, but get some 
'typographical' replacements:
ASCII 0x27 '  single quote (I think some folks call it apostrophe)
ASCII 0x22 "  double quote
ASCII 0x60 `  back tick
{and the different naming syntax across the web makes searching the web 

Example scriptlets:
rpm -q --info lyx | grep Packager | \
 awk -F\: '{print $2}'
for i in `ls *.lyx`; \
do echo "$i is a wonderful file"; done
rpm -q --qf '%{NAME} %{INSTALLTIME}' lyx
Note: also insert a ctrl-enter after the \ on the end of the line, so they copy 
together out of the PDF.
Also see attached MWE.

I think I found that using ctrl+" gets me something that works for double 
quotes (and they work when I copy paste from the terminal to lyx).
But I have not figured out how to enter single quotes and back ticks that don't 
get mangled on the translation to PDF yet.

I have looked at but not 
necessarily understood how it can help me yet.

(In the kinder gentler times of Fedora 4 all this seemed to work without 
thinking, but that has been a while ago, and now OTHER folks are once again 
trying to use my documents next to their terminals, and don't take kindly to my 
'mind the 's notes.)

 Thanks for generally keeping my document creation and editing sane for the 
last couple of decades.

Some more clues to control the situation would be appreciated.

Note: I use the versions provided by my OS to the maximum extent, because 
otherwise I have security folks breathing hot down my neck.  So don't ask why I 
have such old tech, it works for *most* things I need.
LyX Version 2.3.6  (from EPEL)
QT 5.15.3
texlive 20180414
evince 3.28.4

#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_layout Itemize
I expect to be able to copy from this LyX or the resulting PDF file, and
 paste in to a Unix terminal and have the command work as expected.
 However single quotes inside of LyX-Code environment are being converted
 to typographical things.

\begin_layout Itemize
The following yields 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

 Fedora Project
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 when copied from LyX or typed directly in the terminal, 

\begin_layout Itemize
rpm -q --info lyx |grep Packager | 

\begin_inset Newline newline

awk -F
: '{print $2}'

\begin_layout LyX-Code
rpm -q --info lyx |grep Packager | 

\begin_inset Newline newline

awk -F
: '{print $2}'

\begin_layout Itemize
but yields the following error when copied from the PDF (U+FFFD is Unicode
\begin_inset Quotes qld

\begin_inset Quotes qrd

, which LyX does not handle on my installation)

\begin_layout LyX-Code
awk: cmd.
 line:1: ’{print 
\begin_inset Newline newline

awk: cmd.
 line:1: ^ invalid char 'U+FFFD' in expression 

\begin_layout Itemize
the following yields 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

MWEquotes.lyx is a wonderful file
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 when copied from LyX or typed directly in the terminal, 

\begin_layout Itemize
for i in `ls *.lyx`;do echo "$i is a wonderful file" ; done

\begin_layout LyX-Code
for i in `ls *.lyx`;do echo "$i is a wonderful file" ; done

\begin_layout Itemize
but yields the following when copied from the PDF

\begin_layout LyX-Code
‘ls is a wonderful file 
\begin_inset Newline newline

*.lyx‘ is a wonderful file 

\begin_layout Itemize
the following yields 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

lyx 1731442717
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 when copied from LyX or typed directly in the terminal, 

\begin_layout Itemize
rpm -q --qf '%{NAME} %{INSTALLTIME} 
n' lyx

\begin_layout LyX-Code
rpm -q --qf '%{NAME} %{INSTALLTIME} 
n' lyx

\begin_layout Itemize
but yields the following when copied from the PDF

\begin_layout LyX-Code
package %{INSTALLTIME} is not installed 
\begin_inset Newline newline

package n’ is not installed 

\begin_layout Itemize
Notice how the two lines below are different in the PDF vs LyX files:

\begin_layout Itemize
\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes qrd

\begin_inset Quotes erd

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd


\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes qrd

\begin_inset Quotes erd

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd



Attachment: MWEquotes.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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