On Sun, Jan 05, 2025 at 12:25:06AM +0100, Bart wrote:
> Hiya!
> I am helping my girlfriend convert a Word document to LyX. It's working
> beautifully so far, but we hit a snatch.
> We are making a table. When we copy the cell contents of the Word table
> (text which includes some newlines) LyX is spreading the text out over
> multiple rows.
> How can we prevent this behavior?

Hi Bart,

Does it work if you paste it into Libre Office Calc (or Excel)?

For me, if I have rows and columns in Libre Office Calc, if I select them 
(e.g., 2x2), and copy, and then in LyX I make a 2x2 table and I put the cursor 
in the upper-left cell, it works when I paste.


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