I read chapter 19 (Adding Notes for Yourself) in the beamer-user-guide and
the Beamer manual in Help -> Specific Manuals -> Beamer.

While the beamer-use-guide says speaker notes are not supported in article
mode the LyX manual taught me that the default beamer mode is 'beamer' so
that's not a issue.

But I still have questions; the answers are probably in the LyX manual and
I'm not seeing them.

I want to have speaker's notes for each slide and print that out separate
from the slides/frames themselves. The LyX manual's 'So what?' frame tells
me how to set up a handout (I've prepared one before learning about this so
that's not an issue for the Tuesday presentation.) But, I'm not seeing how
to create a separate notes document that I can keep by the laptop displaying
the slides.

Pointers appreciated,


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