Actually, in Windows, you when you install LyX 2.4 it will be kept as a new
app and LyX 2.3 will be kept so you can use both. I suggest that you keep
both formats initially till you get used to LyX 2.4. Note that you can read
files created by 2.3 using 2.4 but not vice versa. I am using 2.4  now but
with theme of 2.3 which looks nicer to me and I feel it’s better for the
eye, to do this please check my tutorial on:

Best luck.


On Thu, 24 Oct 2024 at 18:00 Richard Kimberly Heck <>

> On 10/21/24 5:18 PM, Boylan, Ross via lyx-users wrote:
> What’s the recommended upgrade procedure?  In particular, should I delete
> 2.3 first (or, perhaps, last)?
> There is some discussion on this list about installing 2.3 and 2.4 side by
> side, suggesting that installing 2.4 does not automatically remove 2.3.
> Since no one else has replied...I am not on Windows, so do not know
> exactly what is recommended. But my memory is that one can just install
> 2.4, and use it in parallel with 2.3, if one wants to so do. I believe the
> user directories end up being different.
> It does appear that the wiki is somewhat out of date.
> Riki
> --
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