On Tuesday 22 May 2001 19:08, you wrote:
> I downloaded this file, read the readme, followed the instructions...and I
> still do not get the cv class available to me. I am running lyx-1.1.6fix1.
> I have tried placing the cv.cls file in various locations, symlinking from
> multiple locations within the lyx and latex tree but nothing works.
Same with me. I gave up on it, cause in the end I didn't understand all my
own chaotic symlinks anymore :-) LyX just wouldn't accept the new layout. Now
I use the CV class with only Latex and it works fine. Afterall it's only a CV
and I doubt you'll be editing it on a daily basis...
Andreas Bauer, baueran _at_ in.tum.de, http://home.in.tum.de/baueran/
"Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind."
-- Albert Einstein