On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 11:00:37AM +0200, Mann Zoltan Adam wrote:
> I'd like to use the package bibgerm in order to have a German
> bibliography, so I inserted \usepackage{bibgerm} into the preamble.
> On the other hand, I have German, English and Hungarian text in my
> document. German is the default language of the document, the English and
> Hungarian parts are defined using Layout->Character->Language.
> When I inserted \usepackage{bibgerm} into the preamble, I got error
> messages, saying that \selectlanguage{magyar} was undefined.
> Since I had no such error messages before, it seems that bibgerm somehow
> undefines \selecetlanguage, which is defined in babel AFAIK. I tried
> loading babel after bibgerm, but that didn't work either: I got an error
> message that babel is already loaded.
> Any suggestions?

Get the latest version of bibgerm.sty from CTAN
(and don't forget to run texhash after installing it!).

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