On Tue, 2024-07-23 at 17:59 -0400, Neal Becker wrote:
> I have sometimes installed all packages from Fedora TexLive. 
> Downside is there are 1000s of packages, and so it really slows down
> software updates.
> I guess the thing I thought was interesting was automatic download on
> demand. 

This is a little bit tangent so forgive me for this post. :-)

$ sudo dnf install texlive-scheme-full

and problem solved. :-D

Yes, you can still complain that some documentation is not installed
this way, but... :-)

My more serious problem with the download on demand is that it
sometimes occurs at times that I have other demands. And it usually at
that time picks precisely the slowest mirror. I have been there. :-(

Best regards,
José Abílio
lyx-users mailing list

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