Neal Becker said on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 16:12:19 -0400

>Anyone played with tectonic?  Think this might be helpful to use with
>*Those who don't understand recursion are doomed to repeat it*

Until hell freezes over :-)

OK, back on topic, I know nothing about tectonic except what your URL
told me. Normally, I'm a LuaTeX/LuaLaTeX type guy, and the only
disadvantage is a longer document compile time. Looking at the
advantages the URL discusses:

* automatically downloads support files so you don't need a full LaTeX
        - I already have a full LaTeX installation. Today's hard disks
          are big enough that you can just tell CTAN to give you
          everything. I'm a huge fan of using CTAN rather than your
          distribution's LaTeX package.

* Automatically loops TeX and BibTeX
        - Nothing I can't do with shellscripts. I do this with
          shellscripts every day.

* Tectonic command-line program is quiet and never stops to ask for
        - I'd rather get all output and have it ask. Easier for

* Tectonic can use modern OpenType fonts and is fully Unicode-enabled.
        - I already have these benefits with LuaTeX.

* Tectonic engine has been extracted into a completely self-contained
  library so that it can be embedded in other applications.
        - This is pretty cool, and if I ever need it, I'll grab

* Developed in the open on GitHub using modern tools like the Rust
        - Yawn.

* Tectonic can be used from Github Actions to typeset your documents
  whenever a change to them is made.
        - Oh Hell No! I don't want my document production work flow
          depending on something on somebody else's server, especially
          the less-than-free Github. I have a 14TB hard disk and am not
          a Cloud/Software As a Service type guy. Luckily, it appears I
          don't have to use this feature.

In summary, I won't take the time to check this out until other people
have reported very positive experiences with it.


Steve Litt
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