On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 7:14 PM matan guedj <matanel1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ohhh, i understand you now, the way i wrote the code was creating a float 
> inside the preview because of the algorithmic/algorithm package,
> might you know of a package that does the same thing (writing code/pseudo 
> code) but without creating a float inside?  so I could use it simply with the 
> preview
> and thank you very much! this whole ordeal taught me not little about "easy" 
> debugging in lyx

There are two separate environments you are using in your code, the
algorithm environment which
is simply a float (like figure or table) and the algorithmic
environment which is responsible for the
actual typesetting. If you don't want to put the content inside a
float, simply don't put it in one.
Note that without a float environment, there is no straightforward way
to add a caption (although there
is a package to support that).

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