> The file that I attached works for me. The images do not provide much
> information. Please attach the
> log file from the preview that does not work in my file.
> Udi

your solution now works, I've read the log and noticed the warning
'cprotect.sty' wasn't installed so I installed it and your solution works
but (sorry for being so persistent) it's way less intuitive and easy to do,
it's a very specific solution where my problem with the preview
environment is global. (I hope I don't sound ungrateful because I'm really
grateful for your help)
I also don't understand, why your solution works? and why did in 2.3.7 it
all worked perfectly well with no intervention on my part?
but when I read my log file, I can't see such an error, all I see that
could be of significance (take it with a grain of salt as I'm new to this
kind of debugging) if you open the log file I send you now with notepad++
on lines 446-447 I get the message:
No file lyxpreviewiPHdvi.aux.
\openout1 = `lyxpreviewiPHdvi.aux'.

on lines 530-531 I get the message:
Package geometry Warning: The marginal notes overrun the paper.
     Add 47.54726pt and more to the right margin.

and on line 597-607 I get:
! LaTeX Error: Not in outer par mode.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.62 \caption
             {Merge Sort $(A,p,r)$} \Comment{$A$ is the array, $p$ is the

You've lost some text.  Try typing  <return>  to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type  X <return>  to quit.

important to mention that the lyx file compiles to PDF with no errors at

Attachment: lyxpreviewiPHdvi.log
Description: Binary data

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