Frank v Waveren wrote:
> I foolishly agreed to help with my school yearbook, and possibly more
> foolishly decided I wanted to do the layout in lyx/LaTeX. Anyways,
> to get back on topic, my problem is the following: I want to have
> pages with two photos, a title and a short text, layed out like this.
> +-------------+                            +-------------+
> |             | Title (the person's name)  |             |
> |             |                            |             |
> |             |                            |             |
> |  Photo A    |       Subtitle line 1      |  Photo B    |
> |             |       Subtitle line 2      |             |
> |             |                            |             |
> |             |                            |             |
> |             |                            |             |
> |             |                            |             |
> |             |                            |             |
> +-------------+                            +-------------+
> ==========================================================
> ==========================================================
> ==========================================================
> ==========================================================
> ===================Short Description Text=================

I suppose that you do not need this as a float.
Therefore it's very easy with package multicol!


-insert first image with a width of 100% of column

Title (the person's name)      this lines all centered
Subtitle line 1                with layout->paragraph->center
Subtitle line 2 

-insert second image with a width of 100% of column


if you want to have some space between Title and Subtitle,
put the cursor in the titleline and insert
layout->paragraph->vertical alignment->above->length

a length.



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