
I foolishly agreed to help with my school yearbook, and possibly more
foolishly decided I wanted to do the layout in lyx/LaTeX. Anyways,
to get back on topic, my problem is the following: I want to have
pages with two photos, a title and a short text, layed out like this.

+-------------+                            +-------------+
|             | Title (the person's name)  |             |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
|  Photo A    |       Subtitle line 1      |  Photo B    |
|             |       Subtitle line 2      |             |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
+-------------+                            +-------------+

===================Short Description Text=================

(oh my, that really looks nice, I think I'm just gonna skip lyx and do
it in ascii-art. *grin*)

I thought the best way to get this layout would be to put the photos
and (sub)titles in a 3-column table. However, I can't get the title at
the right height, it always ends up something like:

+-------------+                            +-------------+
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
|  Photo A    |                            |  Photo B    |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
|             |                            |             |
+-------------+                            +-------------+
                        Subtitle 1
                        Subtitle 2                          

===================Short Description Text=================

Even setting the vertical alignment of the table (which for some
reason you also need to set the width for..) doesn't seem to help.
Any advice would be appreciated, and if anybody has actually ever done
something similar I'd love to see how they did it. TIA

Frank v Waveren                                      Fingerprint: 0EDB 8787
fvw@[|||] ICQ#10074100     09B9 6EF5 6425 B855
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