after running and using Lyx for maybe 10 years, I finally tried to upgrade from v 2.2.4 to 2.3.2 and 2.3.3.

This resulted in unusability or continuously repeated error messages relating to "missing document classes", something about "missing library" and finally to "LyX will only have minimal functionality because no */text classes/* have been found. You can either try to */configure/* LyX normally, try to reconfigure without checking your LaTeX installation, or continue." <https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&q=LyX+will+only+have+minimal+functionality+because+no+text+classes+have+been+found.+You+can+either+try+to+configure+LyX+normally,+try+to+reconfigure+without+checking+your+LaTeX+installation,+or+continue.&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEq5Ti34XkAhVLKuwKHRNmDN4QBQgxKAA>

I tried a lot - to no avail - incl newsgroups, Wiki etc etc
Reconfigure didnt do a thing - neither a complete new install of the recent MacTEX suite, reinstall of Lyx etc etc. Other TEX distribs (e.g. mac texmaker) worked flawlessly. My System MacOS X, 10.12.6 Sierra incl latest patches on a MacBook Pro (MacBookPro9,2).

ONLY completely removing any traces of Lyx and reinstalling Lyx 2.2.4 solved the problem - its running fine.

Accd to the Lyx web site, the latest release of Lyx (2.3.3) should be running fine on my system - so what is the issue???

Any hints/help available??

Matthias Görlach
Ebertstr. 4
07743 Jena

*49-0171 1988809

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