On 11.04.19 12:23, Kornel Benko wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 11. April 2019, 11:56:11 CEST schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
On 10.04.19 20:04, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
On 4/10/19 2:56 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
What do I have to do if eps figures are not shown in the pdf file? I
had before never problems with it.
Things you can try:
1. After compiling the document to PDF, check Document > LaTeX log
for any error messages. (You can search for "eps" to help find the
relevant sections of the log.)
2. While the document is open in LyX (and after compiling), locate
the temporary directory in which LyX is working and see if (a) the
.eps files have been copied there and (b) if .pdf versions have
been created.
3. Run LyX from a terminal with "lyx -dbg graphics". A verbose log of
what is going on will appear in the terminal window. Open the
document and make note of the point in the log at which loading is
done. (Anything helpful will occur after this point.) Compile to
PDF and see if any subsequent output in the log identifies a
problem with graphics conversion.
Thanks a lot, Paul. However, lyx -dbg graphics command was not found
(3). I installed it.
The command is "lyx".
Command parameters are '-dbg' and 'graphics'
It stands for "output debug messages for graphics"
Sorry, yes.
I have traced now the error
Error while exporting format: LaTeX (pdflatex)File
was not closed properly
to 5 nomenclature settings (out of about 200) on different locations by
building up the document again sectionwise. The content is not
suspicious, e.g.
Symbol: VVD VIVID is a small flavin-binding blue-light photoreceptor and
consists of a LOV domain and an N-terminal cap
If i put these nomenclatures in a note, it works. If I insert this
nomenclature at another place, the tex output again does not work.
Strange. Before I do more experimenting, I wonder whether somebody had a
similar experience and found out the reason.