On 11/12/2018 10:38, jezZiFeR wrote:

is there any possibility  to keep the window of tools/statistics opened while working in LyX (I use 2.3.1.-1 on OSX10.13.6)? This woulöd be so comfortable. Even better would be a possibility to document the daily progress. There is no such function, or am I wrong?
Thanks, all best


Its not possible because the window is modal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modal_window). I think this could be easily changed but that's not enough since it would not be updated automatically. But I guess that's not that tricky to implement either.

LibreWriter, for example, shows the word count in the status bar. That might be another solution. Why this is not implemented in LyX might be because the word count - unlike in LibreWriter - is just a rough estimate of the word count in the type setted version.

However, I agree that it would be great if LyX kept track of the number of words written since the file was last opened, or a counter reset, or so. You can file an enhancement request at https://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome.

For now, you need to keep track of the differences manually by checking once before and after your work is "done"....


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