On Fri, 30 Nov 2018, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
1. In the LyX file, use Insert > Custom Inset > Beamer Note to insert speaker notes.
Paul, It seems I need to do this for each note, That's okay.
2. For each speaker note, put the cursor inside the note, right-click and select Action Specifications, which nests another inset inside the note. In the nested inset, give the Beamer specification for which slide(s) the note applies to. For instance, <2> means the note only applies to the second slide of the frame. Note that you have to type the angle brackets; LyX does not supply them.
With pauses between the points on a slide the note is after the first point. Without pauses the note is after the slide. I'll go look at the manuals and see if there's a way to present the slide and its note in two columns. Thanks, Rich