On 11/29/18 5:32 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
I've read the LyX beamer-specific manual and the beamer user guide (v3.44)
about \note and I'm not sure it will do what I want. I've a vague
recollection from years ago that I was able to print pages that had the
slides on one column and my speaker notes for each slide in the adjacent

  In a couple of weeks I'll be presenting to a large group. The PDF of the beamer class document will be on a USB flash drive attached to the session's computer. I want my notes on paper. Can I do this within the beamer document
or do I do this as a separate document?



Try the following:

1. In the LyX file, use Insert > Custom Inset > Beamer Note to insert
   speaker notes.
2. For each speaker note, put the cursor inside the note, right-click
   and select Action Specifications, which nests another inset inside
   the note. In the nested inset, give the Beamer specification for
   which slide(s) the note applies to. For instance, <2> means the note
   only applies to the second slide of the frame. Note that you have to
   type the angle brackets; LyX does not supply them.
3. You now have three options for generating a PDF file.
    1. To get a PDF file that contains both slides and notes, add the
       line "\setbeameroption{show notes}" to the LaTeX preamble. The
       notes will appear on separate pages embedded in the PDF file.
    2. To get a PDF file that contains just the notes, change that to
       "\setbeameroption{show only notes}".
    3. To get a PDF file that contains only the slides (no notes), do
       neither of the above. The default is to hide notes.

Pro tip: if you put both the \setbeameroption lines in the preamble, you can switch among the three options just by commenting one or both out.


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