On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 11:19:05 -0400 Scott Kostyshak <skost...@lyx.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 03:59:44AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote: > > > but LyX' html and xhtml exporters > > export pidgeon xhtml and html that requires all sorts of human > > intervention and garbage removal. > > Have you reported bugs for this or are all of the bugs covered by > existing reports? LyX HTML export is slowly improving, especially when > bugs with minimal examples are reported. I reported them on this list, many, many times, and was shouted down as people priortized just-right rendering of Apple Retina Displays over any sane way of LyX authoring 21st century flowing text books (ePub, for instance) without repeated human intervention. I was told that the xhtml and html export mechanisms were "just fine" for ePub. They use different styles for the first paragraph after a heading, for gosh sakes. They almost completely converted styles to inline appearance codes so I couldn't customize my ePubs via CSS. The HTML they put out wasn't WYSIWYM, it was 100% pure fingerpainting. The files were therefore HUGE. Understanding that xhtml/html exports would never be adequate for ePub, I begged for the transition of LyX's language to well-formed XML to be completed so I could write my own LyX to ePub converter. No. Too much work. After years of begging and pleading, I created Stylz to author both PDF and ePub. I am writing two different books written in Stylz. It's not easy for one developer to develop an authoring tool and write books at the same time, but I'm doing it. Stylz already renders HTML beautifully, does ePub pretty darn well, but its rendering in PDF is defective and needs several repairs. I had given up on LyX, because it's important I be able to have one document render both PDF and *high quality* ePub, without human intervention. If lwarp can *correctly and semantically* export LyX to HTML5 *as XML*, I might write the HTML5 to ePub converter and return to the LyX fold. But if you're asking me to report the inadequacies of LyX' html and xhtml exports for the purpose of ePub, I've done my time. And nobody cared. And I've moved on. SteveT Steve Litt September 2018 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business http://www.troubleshooters.com/startbiz