"Paul A. Rubin" <parubi...@gmail.com> írta:
>On 05/03/2018 12:05 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:
>> Hello:
>> This question applies to lyx 3.0.
>> I have some text formatted and entered in ERT. In the same document I 
>> inserted a table and formatted the table font size and shape (to larger 
>> italic) by selecting the whole table and applying the font commands to the 
>> whole selection. This works nicely. Now I would like to replace some text in 
>> the table with text from the ERT so that the formatted table text would keep 
>> its style (size and shape, larger italic). I tried to use different copy 
>> commands but all of them reformats the text in the table to normal size and 
>> shape. How can I keep the table font style (larger italic) when I copy text 
>> into the table from somewhere else? In other words I'd like if the copied 
>> text (into the table) took the style of the fonts already configured in the 
>> table.
>> Thanks,
>> bcsikos
>Could you posted a minimal example of this?

Here is a mwe.
Lyx table is formatted to have Italic large fonts.
When I copy text into it, the pasted text should be formatted to Italic large 


Attachment: table-copy-text-mwe-lyx230.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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