On 05/03/2018 12:05 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:
This question applies to lyx 3.0.
I have some text formatted and entered in ERT. In the same document I inserted
a table and formatted the table font size and shape (to larger italic) by
selecting the whole table and applying the font commands to the whole
selection. This works nicely. Now I would like to replace some text in the
table with text from the ERT so that the formatted table text would keep its
style (size and shape, larger italic). I tried to use different copy commands
but all of them reformats the text in the table to normal size and shape. How
can I keep the table font style (larger italic) when I copy text into the table
from somewhere else? In other words I'd like if the copied text (into the
table) took the style of the fonts already configured in the table.
Could you posted a minimal example of this?