Working very well now!
On Wednesday 11 April 2001 16:16, Herbert Voss wrote:
=> Remzi Seker wrote:
=> >
=> > Hi, sorry for being not specific enough.. I put:
=> > \renewcommand\bibname{\rmfamily\mdseries REFERENCES}
=> > in tex format (red) in the document right before the ref. field.
=> > It didn't do anything in the preamble.
=> for normalsize
=> \renewcommand\bibname{\normalsize\rmfamily\mdseries REFERENCES}
=> for 12pt or \large if your documentwide fontsize is 10 or 11pt.
=> Herbert
Remzi Seker
Graduate Assistant
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept. BEC 261 B
1530 3rd Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294-4461
Tel: (205) 975-0391
Fax: (205) 975-3337