I am using report koma-script...
if I put
\renewcommand\bibname{\rmfamily\mdseries REFERENCES}
I do get the "REFERENCES" as a title but still big. If I replace
\mdseries with \tiny then it is too small. Basicly I want the title
REFERENCES be size 12, times font.
On Wednesday 11 April 2001 14:55, Herbert Voss wrote:
=> Remzi Seker wrote:
=> >
=> > I must be doing something wrong... it is not working
=> what kind of textclass? article or book?
=> Herbert
Remzi Seker
Graduate Assistant
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept. BEC 261 B
1530 3rd Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294-4461
Tel: (205) 975-0391
Fax: (205) 975-3337