On Tue, 26 Dec 2017, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Class option enabledeprecatedfontcommands


The KOMA class itself provides a rich set of means to customize chapter
headings. See sec. 3 of the KOMA manual.

  I've read through Chapters 3, 5, and 17 and the only header customization
I saw was the font size. Chapters 5 and 17 focus on scrlayer-scrpage and
seem devoted to headers and footers. Obviously, I missed seeing what you
pointed me toward.

  As an aside, with \usepackage{fncychap} in the preamble the dvi preview
generates the error that the obsolete font, \rm, is not supported, as I
wrote yesterday. However, since I export (via pdflatex) the file before
leaving LyX for the day I looked at that this morning and saw that the
'Lenny' option of fncychap was used.

  Since the compiled document has a different look to the chapter titles I
can live without the preview. It would be nice to see what I can do using
only the KOMA-Script capabilities but I'm more inclined to focus on content
(which is why I use LyX).

Best regards,


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