On 08/27/2017 07:15 AM, Mark Hempelmann wrote: > Dear Lyx-Wizards, > > I researched on above error and the closest I got was the discussion between > Wolfgang and Jürgen in 2010. However, my text compiled fine with Lyx 2.1.5, > now with the 2.2.3 update I get above error. I’m using German characters, > don’t know where to find the encoding, though, I thought it was Latin1 or > UTF8. > > I’m completely lost as where to start looking at, I cannot remove all my > „Umlaute“ or the like. I’m using bibdesk for literature. Here is my preamble: > > > \usepackage[backend=biber,style=philosophy-modern,natbib=true]{biblatex} > \usepackage{amsmath} > \usepackage{amssymb} % für mathbb > \usepackage{marginnote} % Randnotizen > \usepackage{ragged2e} > \usepackage{blindtext} % Lorem ipsum > \usepackage{lipsum} > > \addbibresource{/Users/mhem23/Documents/Uni/Dissertation/Bibliothek/bibdesk/DissBib3.bib} > > \setlength{\marginparwidth}{2,5cm} % setze Randnotizbreite > \renewcommand*{\marginfont}{\footnotesize \bfseries} > \let\marginpar\marginnote % \marginpar ist jetzt identisch mit \marginnote > > \usepackage{xcolor} > \usepackage[framemethod=tikz]{mdframed} % für Absatzboxen aller Art > \usepackage{longtable, array} > > Please help me along, it worked with my old Lyx!
Is this an error you are getting with all files, or just with one? Have you looked at Tools> LaTeX Log to see what errors you might have gotten? Another thing you can do is export the file to LaTeX and then run pdflatex, etc, manually on it. The error message you are seeing is likely misleading. There was a change between 2.1.x and 2.2.x in how certain bibliography errors are handled in LyX. They were previously (and wrongly) ignored. It may well be that you are getting such errors now, and they are the actual problem. But I can't remember the details. I'm changing the subject header in the hopes of attracting such attention. Richard