Dear Lyx-Wizards,

I researched on above error and the closest I got was the discussion between 
Wolfgang and Jürgen in 2010. However, my text compiled fine with Lyx 2.1.5, now 
with the 2.2.3 update I get above error. I’m using German characters, don’t 
know where to find the encoding, though, I thought it was Latin1 or UTF8.

I’m completely lost as where to start looking at, I cannot remove all my 
„Umlaute“ or the like. I’m using bibdesk for literature. Here is my preamble:

\usepackage{amssymb}    % für mathbb
\usepackage{marginnote} % Randnotizen
\usepackage{blindtext} % Lorem ipsum


\setlength{\marginparwidth}{2,5cm}      % setze Randnotizbreite
\renewcommand*{\marginfont}{\footnotesize \bfseries}
\let\marginpar\marginnote       % \marginpar ist jetzt identisch mit \marginnote

\usepackage[framemethod=tikz]{mdframed} % für Absatzboxen aller Art
\usepackage{longtable, array}

Please help me along, it worked with my old Lyx!

Thank you very much

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