On 01/20/2017 04:30 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Fri, 20 Jan 2017, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
Classes are organized by category, with categories listed
and the original-accept-no-substitutes Beamer class is in the
Presentations category, rather late in the list.
That's the class I selected. Didn't look higher in the list for
else as I was scrolling up from the default KOMA-report class.
I've not saved one as a template, but this is what I've been doing
since I
switched from writing Beamer presentations by hand in emacs to using lyx.
Makes no difference to me to keep doing this but I was surprised that
opening a new doc and changing the class to Beamer did not set the
Okay, I misunderstood what was going on. After you failed to find the
correct environments, did you double back to the document class and
confirm that it was set to Beamer (meaning that your choice was neither
ignored nor bumped up or down one to due to your mouse having a case of
nerves)? I've never failed to get the correct environment list after
switching to the Beamer class.
If the problem is consistently repeatable, you might want to check and
make sure that the beamer layout (/usr/share/lyx/layouts/beamer.layout
on my box) didn't somehow get overwritten or symlinked to the wrong
file. You could also try reconfiguring (the LyX equivalent of slapping
it upside the head) and see if that causes LyX to tow the straight and