On 08/02/2016 10:40 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Tue, 2 Aug 2016, David L. Johnson wrote:
These are being created since the files were edited by the new
version of
LyX you installed, which uses a newer format. LyX then auto-saves
them in
the old format so that you can edit it, if you need to, with an older
version of LyX. This seems to be a reasonable thing to do at the
start of
a new format, and will not occur when you edit files using LyX-2.2 that
are already in the new format.
Thanks for the clarification. I don't recall seeing these files when
previous versions (from 1.0 on) were upgraded.
It was certainly not the case with every change of format --- and was
probably added because someone got caught with a file they could not
edit after going to a new version of LyX, then backing out of the
upgrade for some reason. I am not sure whether this feature had been
added earlier --- I don't have such backups around except those created
by lyx 2.2.
David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University