On 02/22/2016 09:23 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Hi LyXers,
> we will add support for microtype into LyX.
> I would like to get some feedback from users who already use this package
> about their workflow. Do you
> 1. just load the package in preamble via \usepackage{microtype}
> 2. usually add few more parameters via \usepackage[param1]{microtype}
> 3. use heavy loaded settings to get what you need
> ?
> (I'm trying to figure out how much space for param tuning should
> be left for user in the interface.)

I think maybe the compatibility option would be worth implementing in
the GUI, but for the most part the options seem pretty specialized to
me, and simply being able to activate microtype might be enough. People
who want more could add it themselves, as now.


> Pavel

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