On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Erkko Airo wrote:
> Just editing language.dat is not sufficient -- you should also run
> texhash after that. Or try texconfig as suggested, check the condition of
> language.dat from there and then choose rehash or run texhash or whatever
> the topic is. You can see what hyphenation tables are loaded by
> viewing the Latex log file (from the Lyx Edit menu).
> I also write in Finnish and after I got babel working, it makes
> practically no wrong hyphenations. It still sometimes leaves words uncut,
> but these are easier to find and correct.
> e.airo
> --
Now that (the texhash left undone) must be the explanation! Tattis vaan :)
> http://www.geocities.com/soho/gallery/1122/
> "Erkon puheita on mukava kuunnella vaikkei niistä aina
> mitään tolkkua saakaan." P. Monto, Talouselämä 6/99