On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 15:18:34 +0200 Juha Siltala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm planning to write my masters thesis with lyx. I found a nice
> bibliographic database app called pybliographer with a gtk frontend so
> that I wouldn't have to learn too much about bibtex, as this app does
> bibtex databases. Anybody know about this? It should be able to talk to
> the lyxserver, so references could be made through point-and-click in
> Pybliographic (the name of the front end). Didn't work though. If anyone
> uses this, I'd be grateful for hints as to how to set up the lyxserver
> (not much documentation about it - I have something like lyx 1.5) and the
> bibtex file. I run lyx on a Mandrake 7.2 / intel box.
You could also consider to use tkbibtex
which is less sophisticated but also has the "push to lyx" feature. --works for me.
Also, in my german version of Pybliographic is a menu-point
"Einstellungen|Einstellungen" (Settings) where I had to change the value for
LyXpipe from "~.lyx/lyxpipe" to "~.lyxpipe" to get it work.