On Oct 27, 2015, at 1:15 PM, John Kane <jrkrid...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know if you have missed anything or not but one way to do this seems 
> to be to use the setspace package and a bit of ERT. A quick test seems to 
> indicate that \usepackage{setspace} in the preamble and a 
> |\begin{doublespacing} and \ end{doublespacing} before and after any text in 
> the article turns out a doublespaced PDF.
> See 
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/122487/linespacing-latex-for-just-a-few-lines
> On 27 October 2015 at 01:58, Jerry <lancebo...@qwest.net> wrote:
> The journal to which I plan to submit a manuscript requires double spacing. 
> So I went to Document -> Settings... -> Text Layout -> Line Spacing and 
> selected Double. (I'm using Article (Standard Class).)
> This made the rendered PDF double spaced but much to my surprise, the LyX 
> display also became double spaced! This is BAD. This is a lot WYSIWYG, not 
> WYSISYM. Now I can see only half as much stuff in LyX and I have to scroll a 
> lot etc.
> How can I make the LyX display maintain a nice compact appearance while still 
> having a PDF that is double-spaced?
> More to the point of LyX design: Things under Document -> Settings seem to 
> relate to how the _document_ looks, and things under LyX -> Preferences -> 
> Look and Feel (on OS X) affect how LyX looks. So there should be a setting in 
> Look and Feel for on-screen line spacing, separate from how the rendered 
> output will look.
> Please tell me that I've missed something.
> I'm using a 2.2 beta.
> Jerry
> -- 
> John Kane
> Kingston ON Canada

Thanks, John. Good tip. I should have found it myself but I was a little cranky 
with LyX. It seems that when you select double spacing in Settings in LyX, it 
incorporates the setspace package but then applies double spacing for the 
entire document with \doublespacing. Your way lets me keep the title and author 
lines single spaced.

I hope the devs see this post wrt providing different on-screen versus rendered 
appearance regarding line spacing. Maybe I'll file a feature request.


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