I don't know if you have missed anything or not but one way to do this
seems to be to use the setspace package and a bit of ERT. A quick test
seems to indicate that \usepackage{setspace} in the preamble and a
|\begin{doublespacing} and \ end{doublespacing} before and after any text
in the article turns out a doublespaced PDF.


On 27 October 2015 at 01:58, Jerry <lancebo...@qwest.net> wrote:

> The journal to which I plan to submit a manuscript requires double
> spacing. So I went to Document -> Settings... -> Text Layout -> Line
> Spacing and selected Double. (I'm using Article (Standard Class).)
> This made the rendered PDF double spaced but much to my surprise, the LyX
> display also became double spaced! This is BAD. This is a lot WYSIWYG, not
> WYSISYM. Now I can see only half as much stuff in LyX and I have to scroll
> a lot etc.
> How can I make the LyX display maintain a nice compact appearance while
> still having a PDF that is double-spaced?
> More to the point of LyX design: Things under Document -> Settings seem to
> relate to how the _document_ looks, and things under LyX -> Preferences ->
> Look and Feel (on OS X) affect how LyX looks. So there should be a setting
> in Look and Feel for on-screen line spacing, separate from how the rendered
> output will look.
> Please tell me that I've missed something.
> I'm using a 2.2 beta.
> Jerry

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

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