On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 7:21 AM, Steve Hnizdur <hound...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 07/07/15 11:31, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 07, 2015 at 10:01:23AM +0100, Steve Hnizdur wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I'm trying to display the help file Embedded Objects to see what the
>>> effects
>>> look like. However I get "Unknown option 'ngerman'" when I press ctrl-R.
>> Can you try installing the package texlive-lang-german? Then try again.
>> I found it by running the command
>>    apt-file find ngerman
>> And then looking for TeX Live related names.
>> Scott
> Thanks for the reply. There are two points:
> 1. The package texlive-lang-german does allow the compilation. Maybe this
> should be included in the list of required packages in the note at the top
> of the document.

Good idea. I agree that we should consider including it (in a separate
paragraph, because the current paragraph says that you can "still
compile" without those).

> 2. I was more interested in how the ngerman option was being passed as an
> option. Two languages were being passed to documentclass i.e. ngerman and
> english.  I cannot immediately find any way to do this in Lyx itself without
> subsequently editing the file outside Lyx.

Ah, this is probably because German is used in the document, possibly
as an example of how to include text as a separate language. LyX knows
what needs to be added to the preamble and does it itself.

If you wanted to add it yourself (which is not as recommended as
letting LyX handle it for you), you could put it in "Class options" in
Document > Settings.


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