On 07/07/15 11:31, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
On Tue, Jul 07, 2015 at 10:01:23AM +0100, Steve Hnizdur wrote:
I'm trying to display the help file Embedded Objects to see what the effects
look like. However I get "Unknown option 'ngerman'" when I press ctrl-R.
Can you try installing the package texlive-lang-german? Then try again.
I found it by running the command
apt-file find ngerman
And then looking for TeX Live related names.
Thanks for the reply. There are two points:
1. The package texlive-lang-german does allow the compilation. Maybe
this should be included in the list of required packages in the note at
the top of the document.
2. I was more interested in how the ngerman option was being passed as
an option. Two languages were being passed to documentclass i.e. ngerman
and english. I cannot immediately find any way to do this in Lyx itself
without subsequently editing the file outside Lyx.
Steve Hnizdur