Am 25.03.2015 um 19:49 schrieb
On 25/03/15 18:49, wrote:
Using distribution openSUSE 13.2 but not the rpm's for tex and lyx. TexLive 2014 installed and lyx 2.1.2 compiled locally..

I am writing a document of about 50 pages with many pages of mathematics using koma-script report. I keep experiencing erratic behaviour with the placement of graphical floats. The graphics are png files.

At times some greying out of options for the placement and sizing of the plots occurs and at other times there are no problems at all. Also apparently an acceptable setting of alternatives are ignored! I have not been able to observe any common factors in what I have done.

At other times the floats are located within the text as intended. Then for no apparent reason they all appear at the end of the document. Having accepted that I should continue preparation and leave the float problem to be resolved later, I continued work and left the floats alone. In adding more text, some before and some after the first float location in the lyx document, all the floats suddenly reappeared at their intended positions.

Has anyone experienced anything similar. I feel I should add a bug report but have no idea what to describe!

Frank Salter

This is the result of adding more text. Latex tries to fit the floats at reasonable places, and if there is not enough text, it accumulates at the end of the document.

The above was copied from the archive page as I do not recivie emails on the list but monitort its content... Indentation has disappeared!

Thanks for your suggestion but I appear not to have explained in sufficient detail the nature of the problem.

The text I was entering was on page 41 of 54. The float had appeared in the final document towards the end even though I had tried to locate of the document in the region of the text discussing the content. I work with three monitors and keep two kpdf outputs on one monitor and have lyx on another. Any changes are picked up automatically as I check the changes made. There are 5 floats in total, four are at other places in the text. All the floats had been located at the end and appeared to be stuck there. The addition of further text produced the result that all the floats relocated with no attempt having been made to relocate them. They had originally been interspersed within the text. They were suddenly transferred to the end and now they have returned. The floats are sized and dispersed in such a manner that they should be able to be located within a page with some text. This seems to exclude the possibility of their locations being controlled by the mechanism you have described.

Frank Salter

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