On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 3:27 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann <
engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:

> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------  Betreff: and instead of und
> in german reference citation  Datum: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 10:20:49 +0100  Von:
> Wolfgang Engelmann <engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de>
> <engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de>  An: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> sorry, I had included a third possibility (biblatex) without mentioning
> that I am not sure I can manage to install biber (kubuntu). How difficult
> is it to install it? (Kubuntu)
It depends on which TeX distribution you are using. With the "true"
TeXLive, biber is installed automatically. If, on the other hand, you are
using Kubuntu's Tex packages, the situation is more complicated. According
to this, one year old link [1], (K)Ubuntu is using old versions for both
biblatex and biber, and should be avoided by switching to a true texlive
installation instead.
I actually followed that strategy myself when still using Ubuntu, before I
eventually switched to a different Linux distribution altogether
(Archilinux) which has a much better support of TeXLive (among other
Hopefully the situation has improved with more recent versions of Ubuntu.

The bottom line, though, is that the difficulties in installing
biber/biblatex on Linux are distribution dependent, and totally independent
of LyX.

The difficulties with using biblatex in LyX, however, are a real problem. I
just started working on it, but don't expect any results soon.



Stefano Franchi

stefano.fran...@gmail.com <stef...@tamu.edu>

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