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Betreff: and instead of und in german reference citation
Datum: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 10:20:49 +0100
Von: Wolfgang Engelmann <engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de>
An: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
sorry, I had included a third possibility (biblatex) without mentioning
that I am not sure I can manage to install biber (kubuntu). How
difficult is it to install it? (Kubuntu)
PS, this really should be more explicit for the Lyx people to document,
since biblatex is a really good package, but requires a lot of tweaking
to work.
I get in a German document
and instead of und in the german reference citation.
Style file is spbasic.
I am using natbib author/year as the citation style and language German
with encoding default
PS, this really should be more explicit for the Lyx people to document,
since biblatex is a really good package, but requires a lot of tweaking
to work.
I guess I have either to change the bst file from spbasic to a german
spbasic or whatever (which one?),
or to change the and to und (but probably more issues) in the spbasic.
Could I share the bst file with somebody who has already done theses