On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 03:45:42PM -0800, Kenward Vaughan wrote:
> #
> # FORMATS SECTION ##########################
> #
> \format "ochem" "tex" "Ochem" ""
> \viewer "ochem" "/bin/true"
> #
> # CONVERTERS SECTION ##########################
> #
> \converter "latex" "ochem" "ochemppLyx $$b" ""

> Now I can see Ochem as a choice under both the export and view menus, and
> the script runs when either is chosen.  However, the results die part way
> through processing with a runaway text error involving the imbedded code. 
> Bear in mind that this file (and code) works PERFECTLY with lyx 1.1.15 using
> the script as a custom exporter.
> The exported tex files from the two lyx versions differ, but only in the
> text parts.  

Try exporting to latex (in 1.1.6) and then run ochemppLyx manually. Does it
work ?
Also, what is the output (in stdout) you get when you try to export to
"Ochem" ?

PS: It is better to remove the gv line from your script, and then put
the following in ~/.lyx/preferences:

\format ps2      ps  "Postscript (Ochem)" ""
\converter "latex" "ps2" "ochemppLyx $$b" ""

but it probably won't solve your problem.

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