> Now, after using 'urlcolor=blue', there are no errors, but
> there also no any links. In acroread no bookmarks. I tried
> ps2pdf and pdftex (pdflatex) with the same result.
> Here is my preamble:
> \usepackage{qpalatin}
> \usepackage{minitoc}
> \usepackage[pas2pdf,bookmarks,bookmarksopen=true,pageanchor,\
> linktocpage=true,pagebackref=true,urlcolor=blue,hypertexnames,hypertex,\
> colorlinks=true,hyperindex]{hyperref}
> \hypersetup{pdftitle={The Title},pdfauthor={Author}}
> Will appreciate
> If anyone can tell me where I am wrong.
Why do you specify two drivers ("ps2pdf" and "hypertex")?
I think this is the problem. Without "hypertex" this should go.
If not: try less parameters :-))
btw: "hypertex" is the default driver and need not to be specified anyway.
One question left:
what is the parameter "hypertexnames"?
I can't find it in the hyperref manual.
Marcus Beyer