>>From: Bronek Baraniecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Define colorlink
>>Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 15:31:59 +0100
>>On Pon 5. Luty 2001 04:19, you wrote:
>>> Bronek Baraniecki wrote:
>>> > I do convert lyx (1.1.6fix1-1) files (book, letter
>>> > class) to PDF format and cannot define MyColor (e.g.
>>> > blue) for colorlink. Went through graphics package
>>> > documentation, but it's tough for me.
>>> > Every time I receive latex errors.
>>> >
>>> > Please, help how do it inside Lyx, (as a default, fot
>>> > exmpl.)
>>> On your LaTeX preamble:
>>> \usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={Some title},urlcolor=blue,
>>> linktocpage,letterpaper,colorlinks=true]{hyperref}
>>I used this from the begining (with one wxception=I used
>>'linkcolor=blue' not 'urlcolor=blue') and received latexe
>>when doing MenuFile> Export > PDF (or PDF latex)
>>Now, after using 'urlcolor=blue', there are no errors, but
>>there also no any links. In acroread no bookmarks. I tried
>>ps2pdf and pdftex (pdflatex) with the same result.
>>Here is my preamble:
Ahum ps2pdf ? ^^^^^^^
>>\hypersetup{pdftitle={The Title},pdfauthor={Author}}
>>Will appreciate
>>If anyone can tell me where I am wrong.
Hope this helps