
        I am a big LyX fan, and am currently using it to transcribe several reams of 
electronics notes from years ago. While my main PC is out of commission due 
to failed hard drives (it is evil and will be replaced!), I am running LyX 
(without TeX at all) on an old laptop. The problem here is that I am severely 
limited by the size of its hard drive. I have installed SuSE 6.4 with a few 
updates, and currently have only 75MB left on /usr. This is not enough space 
to install both TeX and LaTeX, at least not from RPMs which are built with 
all the bells and whistles.
        Therefore I am asking the (T)experts here: What is the absolute minimum I 
need to install in order to view and print basic documents?

        Here are some things I know: I do not need BibTeX. I do need AMS book class, 
and right now it seems that (even though I have SuSE's te_ams RPM installed) 
LyX does not make ams-book available, which means I don't have the cool 
Definition, etc., environments. I do not really need extra fonts; I don't 
actually need to print these documents, though it would be nice to have LyX 
available to write letters and such -- I could remove KOffice to free up some 
space. (I can replace it with LyX and gnumeric, I think. :)  

        My options as I can see them, right now, are either to install RPMs, perhaps 
with broken dependencies, to get the bare minimum of stuff on here, or to 
build and install only the pieces of (La)TeX necessary for basic typesetting. 
I am not afraid to edit Makefiles, or spec files, but I'm not sure what's 
involved here. If someone, preferably a SuSE user, could give me some 
information, I'd greatly appreciate it.


// Carl Hudkins :: ICQ 5723399
// "Wake me when it's over, touch my face
//  Tell me every word has been erased..."  --TMBG

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