> >> Why is pslatex not the "default" font type?
> Tuukka> Well, maybe it's the tradition. And some older TeX
> Tuukka> installations might not have pslatex.
> The default for latex is to use computer modern font. Pslatex does not
> provide reasonable math fonts

But yes! AFAIK pslatex uses "times" for math. Why is this not reasonable?

> and helvetica looks IMO ugly. It is just
> a quick hack to produce pdf files, not a good long term solution.

Isn't PDFLaTeX the _only_ reasonable solution,
when you want to include bitmap pictures,
but don't want to have huge 
(Megabytes instead of Kilobytes) target files?
Before PDFLaTeX came along
this was always a reason against LyX and TeX!
So what is wrong about PDF?

Marcus Beyer


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