Dekel Tsur wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:43:28AM +0200, Robin Turner wrote:
> > Dekel Tsur wrote:
> > It was in English.  Here's an example of what got generated:
> > Closer inspection revealed that I was not getting "digital garbage" as
> > I'd said before - look carefully here and you see "ELS 112 Vocabulary
> > Test Two, Summer School 2000"  -- but why am I getting all the character
> > codes in brackets as well?
> The [n] is for unicode characters which cannot be converted to latin1
> (in your case, I think that these are spacing characters).
> To get rid of those, edit the file text.c in the wv sources,
> and uncomment line 1622 (the line
>   if (char16 >= 0x80) printf("[%x]", char16);
> )
> Also, you can send your complaints to the wv authors.

I installed from RPMs.  If I compile wv from source, Lyx doesn't detect
Is it possible to use the old mswordview in Lyx (i.e. convert Word to
HTML, then HTML to LaTeX)?


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