On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Emanuele Gissi & Alessia Franceschi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >I have got a little problem: at the end of my document both chapter numbers and
>> >figure numbers have 2 digits, as in chapter 15 figure 37. In the "List of
>> >figures" the figure captions almost overlap their numbers (example 15.37).
>> You could use the tocloft package to fix this.
>I just put \usepackage{tocloft} in the preamble.
Well, you need to do a little bit more than just that. Try
experimenting with something like:
\setlength{\cftfignumwidth}{<insert some width here>}
I'm writing this from memory so please double check. In any case,
look for the file tocloft.dvi on your harddrive or on any CTAN
mirror. This package is well documented.
>No, it does not seem to work in my case or I am
>not able to make it working. I use the book (koma-script) class...
As I said, \usepackage{tocloft} just loads the package, but you
still have to tell it what to do. HTH
Philipp Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>