>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Hansel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mark> I have been off the lyx lists for months and if this has been
Mark> discussed, please refer me to previous discussions. (I suspect
Mark> an old version of some critical library.)

Mark> Problem: lyx 1.1.5fix1 crashes when there is little free (real)
Mark> memory on two alpha systems. (I reverted to 1.1.4, applied the
Mark> three patches and got the same behavior.) This is an upgrade
Mark> from 1.1.0.

Mark> System: Alpha LX 164 128 MB.

Mark> OS: RH 6.2

Possible problem: you have a version of the xforms library compiled
for glibc 2.0 and you use it with glibc 2.1. In such a situation, when
xforms wants to print a message to the console telling that it has not
enough colors (because netscape ate them, for example), it just dumps

A sure way to diagnose that is to run lyx under a debugger (gdb) and
see whether the crash occurs in vsfprintf (or some similarly named


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