On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
>>>Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 10:05:03 -0700
>>>From: "Kayvan A. Sylvan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>To: Mark Hansel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: Re: lyx crashes in tight memory situations
>>>On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 12:02:43PM -0500, Mark Hansel wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, John Culleton wrote:
>>>> >Mark Hansel wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Problem: lyx 1.1.5fix1 crashes when there is little free (real) memory on
>>>> >> two alpha systems. (I reverted to 1.1.4, applied the three patches and
>>>> >> the same behavior.) This is an upgrade from 1.1.0.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> System: Alpha LX 164 128 MB. OS: RH 6.2
>>>> >>
>>>> (The error is "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" (cut and paste).
>>>> >
>>>> >Are your documents extremely large?
>>>> It does not matter what size document I try. Crashes occur loading lyx
>>>> without a document or with a small document or with a monster document. I
>>>> have to unload netscape, my calendar, time keeper, clock, addressbook, a
>>>> dozen text files (open in emacs) - todo lists, short notes, etc. -- I have
>>>> to free up about 25-30MB before the program loads.
>>>Maybe it has more to do with you freeing up display colors?
>>>My machine only has 96MB ram (but lots of swap space) and I don't have
>>>the problems you are describing. Do you have enough swap space configured?
>Another hint: is LyX stripped ? This make a big difference...
Crashes occur with both stripped and nonstripped binaries..
Mark Hansel
PO Box 41
Moorhead State University
Moorhead, MN 56563
ph: 218-236-2039 fax: 218-236-2593
web: http://wwwcj.mnstate.edu