On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 07:45:01PM +0200, Matej Cepl wrote:
> 1) There is something screwed up with LinuxDoc support (I know,
> Original text is HTML, which I have transformed by hand into
> linuxdoc-SGML (checked via sgmlcheck -- sgml-tools-1.0.9-2 w/
> Czech support) and then imported via sgml2latex and reLyX into
> LyX. Everything seems to be OK, the format of document is fairly
> simple anyway.
You can import Linuxdoc files directly from LyX (using the sgml2lyx command).
> 2) Well, the only part of LyX which I really do not like is its
> international keyboard support (for example the issue of inserting
> non-alphanumeric characters, like \{} -- necessary when using ERT;
I can't understand what is the problem here. Please explain more verbosely.
> Pause doesn't work for me as a switcher and I really hate "intuitive"
> combination of M-k,x for US keyboard and M-x,1 for Czech keyboard
> :-).
I'm not sure what you meant here, but you can define your own bindings for
changing between keymaps.
> I understand, that LyX has been initiated in the time when there was
> not support for international keyboards at all, so LyX has been built
> to work even on "empty railway-station" as my brother characterize
> programs working without any support from operating environment.
> But (thanks God) such awfull times are gone and bot GNOME as well
> as KDE (which counts for 90% of all LyX's users, IMHO) have
> excellent international keyboard support and you could rely on it. Or
> at least (if the number of plain X-Window users is bigger) you could
> at least make use of LyX's own support optional, couldn't you?
Why using an external keymap program is better ?